Story Contracting Limited has been appointed to deliver a new Arts and Enterprise Centre in the heart of Millom on behalf of Cumberland Council.
The project aims to bring life back into an unused building and create a valued community asset. Reflecting its roots in the local community and its historic significance, the centre will now be known as “The Old Bank”, marking its transformation into a vital hub for creativity, business, and community activity.
The Old Bank, located in a former NatWest building, will provide a mix of spaces for local businesses, start-ups, and the community. The centre will include a café, start-up and maker spaces, co-working areas, and workshops. These facilities will help attract people and businesses into the town and create new opportunities for residents.
The Reactivating Heritage Buildings project is part of the £29.3 million Millom Town Deal, which has secured government funding and additional investment to improve the town.
David Savage, Chair of the Millom Town Deal Board, said: “This appointment is an exciting step forward for Millom. The creation of The Old Bank will give a new purpose to this iconic building and will play a big role in revitalising the town centre. It’s a great example of how we’re working together to make Millom and Haverigg better places to live, work, and visit.
Leader of Cumberland Council, Cllr Mark Fryer added: “The Old Bank reflects both Millom’s history and the start of a brighter future. This long-standing empty building, will now become a hub of activity, helping to create jobs and opportunities while improving the appearance of our town centre.”
Jonathan Reed of Story Contracting expressed enthusiasm about the local engagement. He said: “We are keen to continue building strong partnerships with Millom’s vibrant business community. Local collaboration is key to the success of this project, and we are excited about the opportunities this will create.”
Work on the project is expected to be completed by March 2026.
For more information about The Old Bank and other Millom Town Deal projects, visit: www.millomtowndeal.org.uk