Story Contracting has been appointed by Northumbrian Water Group to help deliver its £3.6bn capital investment programme.
The appointment of new construction and engineering contractors including Story Contracting has created opportunities for the businesses who have previously had no experience in the water sector.
Story are one of 11 new entrants to join the water sector, where Northumbrian Water have promised mentorship and guidance with the ultimate aim of building more capacity in an industry that is seeing significant investment growth.
Dan Jones, Operations Director at Story Contracting said: “We are excited to share best practices from rail and to learn from established specialists in water as we sustainably grow in the framework. This presents a fantastic opportunity to develop our talented team along with our specialist SME supply chain partners, recruit new talent and will further enhance our reputation in the North-East.”
Monisha Gower, Assets Director at Northumbrian Water Group, said: “AMP8 and beyond represent a huge challenge for us, as they do the whole water industry. We are nearly tripling our investment programme and this requires a significant increase in delivery capacity at a time when the rest of the sector, and construction as a whole are also preparing to ramp up activity.
“So, we needed to build capacity when demand for supply chain partners is at an all-time high. That’s why we’ve moved quickly and worked innovatively in our procurement, to make sure we get the right partners on board, with time to prepare for delivery.
“The ecosystem we have built provides a lean and agile delivery community that will play a fundamental role as we scale for AMP8.
“These appointments represent a significant milestone for us. Our delivery ecosystem is now fully populated with supply chain partners and we can begin planning for execution of our AMP8 programme in earnest.”