This week Story Contracting held its first quarterly development day at our Glasgow office for its 2018 cohort of future talent. The workshop was attended by 17 graduates and trainees from across the 5 divisions at Story Contracting. The day consisted of a number of sessions – including workshops on learning methods and HSQE activities – to help the recruits build up the skills and confidence to progress their careers.

The recruits also registered to become STEM Ambassadors during the workshop enabling them to help inspire the next generation of talent to join Story Contracting.
Grant Braddock, Trainee Engineer said: “I’m excited about being able to help and inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM areas and promote Story Contracting.”
Story Contracting’s graduate scheme involves exposure to all areas of the business, meaning that at the end of the programme, graduates can make informed decisions about their future career, development and training.

Tanya Moxon, Head of Training and Development said: “These development days are vital in ensuring that our trainees and graduates form a strong bond and become a cohesive and effective group. As they progress in their development and careers this will provide them with an internal network that they can draw upon when needed. Coupled with this, they will be able to share and develop skills that they will be able to use in their roles.”
Heather Gough, Graduate Engineer said: “My favourite thing about my job has been the opportunity to work with so many different people, getting out on site and experiencing the way different teams work – I have learnt a lot from everyone I work with. I also appreciate Story’s commitment to ensuring everyone is competent and I have undertaken a lot of training courses which I believe has benefitted my everyday work.”