
Story Contracting, Whistleberry Road Blantyre G72 0TA


1 Day


£180 plus VAT

Course Summary

This course is designed to train persons who are responsible for undertaking this course as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure. It is designed to develop a person’s knowledge, understanding and skills and is therefore particularly suited to persons required to prove their capability in these areas.

Pre-Requisite Requirements


Must be a minimum age of 18.

Must hold a valid Sentinel Track Safety Card endorsed with PTS and IWA or COSS.

Must meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS00124 Medical Fitness.

Must have a good level of literacy to meet Entry Qualifications.

Must meet the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs and Alcohol).



The trainer must be currently registered and approved by Network Rail in accordance with Trainer/Assessors procedures.

Trainers shall be able to demonstrate  suitable occupational competence in the skill being trained.

The occupational competence of the Trainer/Assessor shall be judged against the following experience. The proposed Trainer/Assessor shall:

  • Have at least 12 months experience of the skill being trained; or
  • Have been responsible for the successful delivery of similar training in the last 2 years.


Safe contractor approved

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