
Network Rail


Lytham, St Annes, Lancashire

Engaging the community

Following the ceremony residents from the area, local councillors from Fylde Borough Council and representatives from local rail groups were invited for refreshments in the neighbouring St Anne’s Golf Club.

The community engagement throughout the project has been an example of our commitment to ‘Do it Right’ by our local communities and stakeholders.

Doing it right

From the beginning of the project, Story and Network Rail worked in collaboration to ensure the local community were actively engaged throughout the works to ensure a good relationship was developed and potential impacts were minimised.

All residents received letter drops and were invited to a community drop in session at the beginning of the works, and regular social media updates were given.

26 hours

of community


50 residents

engaged in

the project

Councillor Sue Fazackerley, Leader of Fylde Borough Council

We have really missed the ability to use this road bridge but fully appreciate the necessity for the work to be undertaken. It will ease the congestion around other road bridges in this vicinity, especially at peak times.

“From a personal viewpoint, I cross the railway bridge at least twice a day and eagerly anticipated its re-opening!

Councillor Sue Fazackerley

Leader of Fylde Borough Council

Safe contractor approved

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