Building blocks
Anyone who has walked barefoot into a child’s room late at night will probably hate Lego bricks. That aside, Lego has got to be one of the best toys ever developed. It’s an open system with which you can build[...]
Anyone who has walked barefoot into a child’s room late at night will probably hate Lego bricks. That aside, Lego has got to be one of the best toys ever developed. It’s an open system with which you can build[...]
Story Contracting welcomed Mark Carne, Network Rail Chief Executive, to our Blairhill Station ‘Access For All’ scheme where he was given a presentation and tour of the project works. The 9 month project involves constructing a ‘step free’ access footbridge[...]
Story Contracting’s Normanton team carried out their first core renewal Switch & Crossings (S&C) project for the S&C North Alliance team based in Doncaster over the weekend. They had two sites running simultaneously and each site was supplied with a[...]
We’re proudly displaying our ICE #thisiscivilengineering banner onsite at our Plymouth Road Bridge works, Blackpool. This is Civil Engineering campaign showcases civil engineering projects by displaying huge banners at project sites across the country. The banners help increase public perception[...]
Fred Story, Chief Executive of Story Contracting welcomed Mark Carne to Eden Brows emergency works site in Armathwaite Cumbria recently to see first-hand the repair works and the progress that Story Contracting are making to ensure the line is open[...]
A hundred years ago the only material available to James Miller, the original designer of Stirling Station, to create his ‘extravaganza’ was glass. Today, six millimetre thick sheets of Makrolon® lightweight, non-fragile, self cleaning polycarbonate provide a superior glazing material[...]